Examination fee of 2nd and 4th Semester |
All the students are advised to fill the examination form of 2nd and 4th semester by 22/02/2025 without fail. Examination form and fee will be deposited online on the Panjab University website http://pgexam.puchd.ac.in/. After filling the form and depositing the examination fee, you are required to submit examination form hard copy in the department. |
Dated: 04/02/2025 |
1. | 08/01/2025 | 3rd Prof Urmi Kessar Memorial Lecture on 10.01.2025 at Evening Studies Auditorium at 11 am |
2. | 31/12/2024 | Internal Assesssment of PGDAPR & PGDJMC 2nd Semester (2023-24) |
3. | 27/12/2024 | Internal assessment for MA-I (2nd Semester) and MA (4th Semester) 2023-24 |
4. | 05/11/2024 | Walk in Interview for the post of Guest Faculty (Odd semester) 2024-25 has been postponed to 12/11/2024 |
5. | 24/10/2024 | Walk in Interview for the post of Guest Faculty (Odd semester) 2024-25 |
6. | 09/10/2024 | PMS Schedule for Punjab SC Students 2024-25 |
7. | 09/09/2024 | Offline admiision schdule for fresh applicants in PG Diplomas for the session 2024-25 |
8. | 02/09/2024 | 3rd waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2024-25 |
9. | 30/08/2024 | 2nd waiting list of PG diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2024-25 |
10. | 30/08/2024 | 2nd waiting list of PG diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2024-25 |
11. | 28/08/2024 | 1st waiting list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2024-25 |
12. | 28/08/2024 | 1st waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2024-25 |
13. | 23/08/2024 | Merit list of PG Diploma in Radio Production 2024-25 |
14. | 23/08/2024 | Merit list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2024-25 |
15. | 23/08/2024 | Merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2024-25 |
16. | 14/08/2024 | 1st waiting list of MA (J&MC) 2024-25 |
17. | 11/08/2024 | Overall Merit List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2024-25 |
18. | 07/08/2024 | Counseling/Verification of documents of Post Graduate Diploma in Radio Production 2024-25 |
19. | 07/08/2024 | Counseling/Verification of documents of Post Graduate Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2024-25 |
20. | 07/08/2024 | Counseling/Verification of documents of Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2024-25 |
21. | 05/08/2024 | Link for tentative merit list of MA (J&MC) 2024-25 |
22. | 26/07/2024 | Admission schedule for MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2024-25 |
23. | 25/07/2024 | Admision schedule for PG Diplomas and MA (J&MC) will be uploaded shortly. |
24. | 04/06/2024 | List of selected PhD candidates May 2024 |
25. | 03/06/2024 | Revised internal assessment of MA (J&MC)- 1st and 3rd Semester 2023-24 |
26. | 25/05/2024 | Internal assessment of MA and PG Diplomas (1st and 3rd Semester) 2023-24 |
27. | 30/04/2024 | PhD Interview on 13th May 2024 |
28. | 02/04/2024 | Walk-in interview for guest faculty 2023-2024 |
29. | 27/09/2023 | Fresh applications for admission in PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations and PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2023-24. |
30. | 30/08/2023 | Contact for admission |
31. | 30/08/2023 | Merit list of Offline admission in PG DIploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (2023-24) |
32. | 30/08/2023 | Merit list of Offline admission in PG DIploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2023-24) |
33. | 28/08/2023 | Regarding Hostel |
34. | 28/08/2023 | 4th waiting list of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24 |
35. | 24/08/2023 | offline admiision schdule for fresh applicants in PG Diplomas for the session 2023-24 |
36. | 22/08/2023 | 3rd waiting list of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24 |
37. | 17/08/2023 | 3rd waiting list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2023-24 |
38. | 17/08/2023 | 4th Waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2023-24 |
39. | 16/08/2023 | 3rd Waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2023-24) |
40. | 14/08/2023 | 2nd waiting list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2023-24 |
41. | 14/08/2023 | 2nd waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2023-24 |
42. | 14/08/2023 | 2nd Waiting list of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24 |
43. | 11/08/2023 | 1st waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2023-24) |
44. | 11/08/2023 | 1st waiting list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (2023-24) |
45. | 11/08/2023 | 1st waiting list of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24 |
46. | 10/08/2023 | Online Orientation schedule of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication)- 1st Semester and all PG Diplomas- 1st Semester |
47. | 08/08/2023 | Overall waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24 |
48. | 08/08/2023 | Overall Merit List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24 |
49. | 08/08/2023 | Merit and Waiting List of PG Diploma in Radio Production 2023-24 |
50. | 08/08/2023 | Merit and Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2023-24 |
51. | 08/08/2023 | Merit and Waiting list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication- 2023-24 |
52. | 08/08/2023 | Welfare schemes |
53. | 25/07/2023 | Special GD/PI Session for all the students whose result is awaited for MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24 |
54. | 24/07/2023 | Aptitude Test result of PG Diploma in Radio Production (2023-24) |
55. | 24/07/2023 | Aptitude Test result of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (2023-24) |
56. | 24/07/2023 | Aptitude Test result of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2023-24) |
57. | 21/07/2023 | MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) GD & Personal Interview schedule for the session 2023-24 |
58. | 21/07/2023 | Details of AptitudeTest and Personal Interview for PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2023-24 |
59. | 21/07/2023 | Details of AptitudeTest and Personal Interview for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations for the session 2023-24 |
60. | 21/07/2023 | Details of AptitudeTest and Personal Interview for PG Diploma in Radio Production for the session 2023-24 |
61. | 24/05/2023 | Internal Assessment of MA-I (1st Semsester & 3rd Semester) December-2022 |
62. | 11/05/2023 | Internal assessment of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (1st Semester)-2022-23 |
63. | 11/05/2023 | Internal assessment of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (1st Semester)-2022-23 |
64. | 25/04/2023 | Phd viva-voce of Ms. Esha Nayyar |
65. | 25/04/2023 | PhD viva-voce of Ms. Nisha Thapar |
66. | 17/04/2023 | Revised date for PhD Interviews |
67. | 17/04/2023 | Postponement of PhD interviews |
68. | 11/04/2023 | PHD interview on 18/04/2023 |
69. | 22/03/2023 | Public Viva-Voce examination-cum-presentation of a Ph.D. student, Mr. Kiran Deep |
70. | 24/02/2023 | Extension in submission of dissertation |
71. | 16/02/2023 | PhD admission for the session 2022-23 |
72. | 14/02/2023 | About filling of examination form 2nd and 4th semester (2022-23) |
73. | 15/12/2022 | Revised MA-II (4th Semester) Internal list |
74. | 14/12/2022 | MA-II (4th Sem) Internal Assesment (2021-22) |
75. | 14/12/2022 | MA-1 (2nd Sem.) Internal Assessment 21-22 |
76. | 14/12/2022 | PGDJMC Semster II Internal Assesment 21-22 |
77. | 24/11/2022 | Revised notige for 2nd installment fee |
78. | 10/11/2022 | 2nd installment of tuition fee |
79. | 01/11/2022 | Notice for postponment of walk-in-interview for guest faculty at SCS |
80. | 27/10/2022 | Notice for Prem Bhatia Memorial Scholarship 2022-23 |
81. | 27/10/2022 | Walk in interview for the Guest Faculty on 04.11.2022 |
82. | 26/10/2022 | Provisional merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2ns Councelling) 2022-23 |
83. | 12/10/2022 | Fresh Applications for admission in PG Diploma in Advtertising and Public Relations and PG Diploma in Radio Production |
84. | 03/10/2022 | REGARDING HOSTEL SEATS 2022-23 |
85. | 30/09/2022 | Regarding submission of original documents |
86. | 28/09/2022 | 2nd Waiting list of MA (J&MC) 2022-23 |
87. | 24/09/2022 | 1st Waiting list of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2022-23 |
88. | 22/09/2022 | MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) Waiting list 2022-23 |
89. | 22/09/2022 | MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) Final merit list 2022-23 |
90. | 21/09/2022 | PGD in Advertising & Public Relations internal assessment of 2nd Semester (2021-22) |
91. | 20/09/2022 | Provisional admission list of P.G. Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2022-23 |
92. | 20/09/2022 | Provisional admission list of P.G. Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2022-23 |
93. | 12/09/2022 | Link for Tentative merit lists for MA and PG Diploma's for the session 2022-23 |
94. | 05/09/2022 | Apptitude test reult of PG Diploma in Radio Production-2022-23 |
95. | 05/09/2022 | Apptitude test reult of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication-2022-23 |
96. | 05/09/2022 | Apptitude test result of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations- 2022-23 |
97. | 02/09/2022 | Schedule of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) for Group Discussion and Personal Interview for the session 2022-23 |
98. | 02/09/2022 | List-II: Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Radio Production for the session 2022-23 |
99. | 02/09/2022 | List-II: Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2022-23 |
100. | 02/09/2022 | List-II: Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations for the session 2022-23 |
101. | 01/09/2022 | Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2022-23 |
102. | 01/09/2022 | Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Radio Production for the session 2022-23 |
103. | 01/09/2022 | Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations for the session 2022-23 |
104. | 24/08/2022 | Regarding MA-II (3rd Semester) Tution fee receipt |
105. | 20/07/2022 | Orientation |
106. | 20/07/2022 | Enterpreneurial Journey Seminar by Jasmeet K Shaan |
107. | 19/07/2022 | ICT Communication Lab SCS (Learning Resources) |
108. | 19/07/2022 | CBCS Approval 21-22 |
109. | 18/07/2022 | Minutes Elective system PGDJMC & PGDRPR |
110. | 18/07/2022 | Minutes regarding Elective system MA & PGDAPR |
111. | 14/07/2022 | CHASSCONG VII |
112. | 08/07/2022 | Workshop on Press Release writing |
113. | 08/07/2022 | Use of Smartphone for Story Telling |
114. | 08/07/2022 | Press release writing |
115. | 08/07/2022 | Alumni Feedback Forms (R) |
116. | 08/07/2022 | Teachers Feedback |
117. | 08/07/2022 | Student Feedback |
118. | 08/07/2022 | Parents Feedback |
119. | 08/07/2022 | Employer Feedback |
120. | 07/07/2022 | Revised internals of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (1st Semester) 2021-22 |
121. | 06/07/2022 | Internals of PGD in Journalism of Mass Communication (1st Sem) for the session 2021-22 |
122. | 06/07/2022 | Internals of MA-3rd Semester for the session 2021-22 |
123. | 06/07/2022 | Program outcomes |
124. | 06/07/2022 | PGDJMC CBCS Minutes |
125. | 04/07/2022 | Choice based credit system |
126. | 10/06/2022 | Internals of MA-I 1st Semester 2021-22 |
127. | 02/05/2022 | PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations Internal Assessment Nov-Dec 2022 examination |
128. | 04/04/2022 | Bids of UPS |
129. | 04/04/2022 | Bids of Video Conferencing |
130. | 04/04/2022 | Bids of Multifunction Machines |
131. | 04/04/2022 | Bids of Desktop Computer |
132. | 09/03/2022 | Regarding Examination form and fee of 2nd and 4th semester |
133. | 23/11/2021 | Regarding Tuition fee of MA-II |
134. | 23/11/2021 | Regarding Tuition fee |
135. | 16/11/2021 | Internal Assessment of PGD in Journalism & Mass Communication (2nd Semester) for the session 2020-21 |
136. | 11/11/2021 | Internal Assessment of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations (2nd Semester) for the session 2020-21 |
137. | 06/10/2021 | Regarding Migration and Original certificate |
138. | 06/10/2021 | Regarding submission of Examination form for 1st and 3rd semester |
139. | 05/10/2021 | 2nd Waiting list of MA-I (J&MC) 2021-22 |
140. | 24/09/2021 | MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 1st Waiting list |
141. | 24/09/2021 | Overall merit list General Category of MA (J&MC) 2021-22 |
142. | 20/09/2021 | MA(Journalism & Mass Communication) Selected candidate list |
143. | 20/09/2021 | MA (J&MC) 3rd Semester Admission form 2021-22 |
144. | 18/09/2021 | Merit list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2021-22 |
145. | 18/09/2021 | Merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2021-22 |
146. | 18/09/2021 | Post Matric Scholarship for belonging to Punjab state |
147. | 09/09/2021 | Aptitude Test Result of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication |
148. | 09/09/2021 | Aptitude Test Result of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations |
149. | 07/09/2021 | Aptitude Test and Personal Interview schedule for the PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (2021-22) |
150. | 07/09/2021 | Aptitude Test and Personal Interview schedule for the PG Diploma in Radio Production (2021-22) |
151. | 04/09/2021 | Aptitude Test and Personal Interview schedule for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2021-22) |
152. | 27/08/2021 | Regarding 1st installment of tution fee of MA-3rd semester |
153. | 20/07/2021 | Revised Internal Assessment of MA-I |
154. | 14/07/2021 | Internal Assessment of MA-I & MA-II 1st & 3rd Semester |
155. | 07/07/2021 | Apllication for PhD program |
156. | 06/05/2021 | Viva-voce notice |
157. | 26/04/2021 | Regarding filling of Examination form |
158. | 19/04/2021 | Internal Assessment of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (1st Semester) |
159. | 19/04/2021 | Internal Assessment of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (1st Semester) |
160. | 15/03/2021 | Free Education For Meritorious Scheduled |
161. | 19/01/2021 | Annual Global Alumni Meet SCS, PU |
162. | 07/01/2021 | Date extended of Financial Assistance to SC/ST (2020-2021) |
163. | 07/01/2021 | Application invited for PhD admission - 2021 |
164. | 22/12/2020 | Defaulter list of MA - II (3rd Semester) |
165. | 22/12/2020 | Post Matric Scholarship Form for SC students (Renewal) of Punjab State 2020-21 |
166. | 22/12/2020 | Post Matric Scholarship Form for SC students (Fresh) of Punjab State 2020-21 |
167. | 22/12/2020 | Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) guidelines for SC students 2020-21 (Punjab & other states) |
168. | 11/12/2020 | 2nd instalment fee of MA-I (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2020-21 |
169. | 10/12/2020 | Mentor-Mentee List for the session 2020-21 |
170. | 08/12/2020 | Notice regarding Examination form MA & PG Diploma students 2020-21 |
171. | 08/12/2020 | MA-II 2nd installment Tuition fee 2020-21 |
172. | 01/12/2020 | Notice regarding Admission in PG Diplomas |
173. | 01/12/2020 | Circular for Financial Assistance to SC/ST students for the year (2020-2021) |
174. | 25/11/2020 | Notice regarding Admission in PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations |
175. | 25/11/2020 | Seventh Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations |
177. | 24/11/2020 | Sixth Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 24.11.2020 |
178. | 23/11/2020 | Notice regarding Admission in PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication |
179. | 23/11/2020 | Fifth Waiting List of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 23.11.2020 |
180. | 23/11/2020 | Fifth Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 23.11.2020 |
181. | 23/11/2020 | Fifth Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 23.11.2020 |
182. | 20/11/2020 | Fourth Waiting List of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 20.11.2020 |
183. | 20/11/2020 | Fourth Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 20.11.2020 |
184. | 20/11/2020 | Fourth Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 20.11.2020 |
185. | 18/11/2020 | Third Waiting List of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 18.11.2020 |
186. | 18/11/2020 | Third Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 18.11.2020 |
187. | 18/11/2020 | Third Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 18.11.2020 |
188. | 16/11/2020 | Second Waiting List of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 16.11.2020 |
189. | 16/11/2020 | Second Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 16.11.2020 |
190. | 16/11/2020 | Second Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 16.11.2020 |
191. | 16/11/2020 | Second Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 16.11.2020 |
192. | 13/11/2020 | First Waiting List of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 13.11.2020 |
193. | 13/11/2020 | First Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 13.11.2020 |
194. | 13/11/2020 | First Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 13.11.2020 |
195. | 11/11/2020 | Defence Category Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) |
203. | 24/07/2020 | Online PhD viva-voce of Ms. Aarti Anand on 28.07.2020 at 12:00 noon |
204. | 17/03/2020 | Advertisement for Five Junior Research Fellows for Research Project |
205. | 14/02/2020 | Public Viva-Voce of Ms. Sumedha Singh on 24.02.2020 |
206. | 12/02/2020 | 2nd Installment of Examination Fee notice for MA & PG Diploma for the session 2019-20 |
207. | 11/02/2020 | Public Viva-Voce of Mr. Mukesh Kumar on 18.02.2020 |
208. | 04/02/2020 | Internal Assessment of MA-I (1st Semester) & MA-II (3rd Semester) |
209. | 16/01/2020 | Schedule of Entrance Test 2020 |
210. | 16/01/2020 | Time Table for MA & PG Diploma's 2nd & 4th Semester |
211. | 14/01/2020 | Public Viva-Voce of Ms. Divya Jyoti Randev on 23.01.2020 |
212. | 14/01/2020 | Public Viva-Voce of Ms. Neha Saroj on 28.01.2020 |
213. | 14/01/2020 | Public Viva-Voce of Ms Neha on 17.01.2020 |
214. | 11/12/2019 | Attendance of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication |
215. | 09/12/2019 | Meeting of Academic & Administrative Committees on 10/12/2019 at 11:00 am |
216. | 09/12/2019 | Urgent: Condonation of Lecture of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations |
217. | 19/11/2019 | Earn While You Learn scheme |
218. | 15/11/2019 | Radio Production Workshop on Radio Jyotirgamaya 91.2 MHz at SCS |
219. | 15/11/2019 | Releasing audio book in SCS |
220. | 15/11/2019 | Students interaction with Mr. Kanwar Sandhu |
221. | 15/11/2019 | Deadline of Major Project Report for MA-II |
222. | 13/11/2019 | Workshops at SCS |
223. | 20/09/2019 | Examination Fee 1st Installment notice for all classes 2019-20 |
224. | 19/09/2019 | Regarding submission of original migration cert. & original DMC's of new admitted outside PU students |
225. | 13/09/2019 | Updated mentor-mentee list of all classes |
226. | 31/08/2019 | Time Table for PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication |
227. | 30/08/2019 | Notice for PG Diploma in Journalism Mass Communication 2019-20 |
228. | 30/08/2019 | MA-I (J&MC) First Ten Days Attendance |
229. | 29/08/2019 | Fresh Merit List of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations |
230. | 29/08/2019 | Fresh Merit List of PGD in Journalism & Mass Communication |
231. | 28/08/2019 | Regarding original Migration & DMC's Degree's of MA-I |
232. | 22/08/2019 | Postponement of Aptitude Test & Interview of PGD Advertising & Public Relations and PGD Journalism & Mass Communication |
233. | 21/08/2019 | Fresh Applications are invited for the course of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations for the session 2019-20 |
234. | 19/08/2019 | MA-2 (3rd Semester) 1 installment of tuition Fee for the session 2019-20 |
235. | 16/08/2019 | Inaugural Lecture on 19.08.2019 (Monday) |
236. | 13/08/2019 | Fresh Applications are invited for the course of PGD in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2019-20 |
237. | 13/08/2019 | mentor-mentee programme List 2019-20 |
238. | 09/08/2019 | Fresh list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2019-20 |
239. | 08/08/2019 | Time Table for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2019-20 |
240. | 08/08/2019 | Regular classes for the PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations |
241. | 07/08/2019 | Time Table for MA-2 Semester - 1 (J&MC)2019-20 |
242. | 07/08/2019 | Time Table for MA-1 Semester 1(J&MC)2019-20 |
243. | 05/08/2019 | Fresh Fee Notice for PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2019-20 |
244. | 05/08/2019 | Updated List of Selected candidate of MA - 1 (J&MC) 2019-20 |
245. | 05/08/2019 | Commencement of MA-I (Journalism & Mass Communication) class |
246. | 05/08/2019 | Orientation sheet of MA-2 (Semester 3) 2019-20 |
247. | 05/08/2019 | Orientation sheet of MA-1 (Semester 1& 2) (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2019-20 |
248. | 02/08/2019 | Updated List of PGD in Advertising & PR 2019-20 |
249. | 02/08/2019 | Hostel Allocation List of Boys |
250. | 02/08/2019 | Hostel Allocation List of Girls |
251. | 02/08/2019 | Selected list of PGD in Journalism & Mass Communication |
252. | 01/08/2019 | MA Waiting List for the session 2019-20 |
253. | 31/07/2019 | List of waiting candidates of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations |
254. | 31/07/2019 | List of Selected candidates of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations |
255. | 30/07/2019 | Fresh Applications for admission in PG Diploma in Radio Production |
257. | 29/07/2019 | MA-I (J&MC) 2019-20 OGC category waiting list |
258. | 29/07/2019 | MA-I (J&MC) 2019-20 Defence category waiting list |
259. | 29/07/2019 | MA-I (J&MC) 2019-20 BC category waiting list |
260. | 29/07/2019 | MA-I (J&MC) waiting list General Category |
261. | 29/07/2019 | MA-I (J&MC) 2019-20 Selected Category list |
262. | 20/07/2019 | Aptitude test result of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2019 |
263. | 20/07/2019 | Aptitude test result of PG Diploma in Radio Production 2019 |
264. | 18/07/2019 | Result of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations Aptitude Test 2019-20 |
265. | 18/07/2019 | Important information: Result of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication & Radio Production Aptitude Test 2019-20 |
266. | 15/07/2019 | Admission Schedule of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) for the session 2019-20 |
267. | 12/07/2019 | Admission Schedule of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations for the session 2019-20 |
268. | 12/07/2019 | Admission Schedule of PG Diploma in Radio Production for the session 2019-20 |
269. | 12/07/2019 | Admission Schedule of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2019-20 |
270. | 15/05/2019 | MA-I Internal Assessment |
271. | 15/05/2019 | PG Diploma Internal Assessment |
272. | 15/05/2019 | MA-II Internal Assessment 2018-19 |
273. | 10/05/2019 | PG Diploma in Advertising & Public relations (2nd Semester) Final Attendance |
274. | 10/05/2019 | MA-II (4th Semester) Final Attendance |
275. | 10/05/2019 | MA-I (2nd Semester) Final Attendance |
276. | 08/04/2019 | Attendance of MA-I, MA-II & PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2nd & 4th Semester) |
277. | 13/03/2019 | An interactive session with students of MA (J&MC) by Mr. Nitin Sharma |
278. | 07/03/2019 | Invitation Card for Two Day National Seminar |
279. | 07/03/2019 | Result of PhD admissions |
280. | 26/02/2019 | Two day National Seminar CRISES IN MEDIA: AN EXISTENTIAL CONUNDRUM |
281. | 22/02/2019 | Counseling/Interview for admissions to PhD Programme |
282. | 22/02/2019 | Ms. Aarti Kapur Public Viva Voce |
283. | 13/02/2019 | PUBLIC NOTICE VIVA VOCE |
284. | 13/02/2019 | PUBLIC NOTICE VIVA VOCE |
285. | 31/01/2019 | Notice for Examination Fee 2nd installment MA & PG Diploma |
286. | 29/01/2019 | Pending Fee notice for MA & PG Diploma |
287. | 05/12/2018 | Final Internal assessment of MA-I (1st Semester) & MA-II (3rd Semester) |
288. | 15/11/2018 | 2nd installment of tuition fee |
289. | 28/09/2018 | Migration Cert. & Org. DMC's submission |
290. | 28/09/2018 | MPR Schedule for MA-II |
291. | 18/09/2018 | PG Dip in Advertising & PR Attendance |
292. | 18/09/2018 | MA-I & MA-II Attendance of July & August 2018 |
293. | 30/08/2018 | Notice for MA-I waiting List for the session 2018-19 |
294. | 30/08/2018 | Interactive session with students by Mr. Pawan Kumar Bansal, |
295. | 20/08/2018 | For submitting original migration certificate & Dmc's PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19 |
296. | 20/08/2018 | For submitting original migration certificate & Dmc's MA-I 2018-19 |
297. | 13/08/2018 | Hostel Allocation List 2018-19 |
298. | 07/08/2018 | Notice for MA-I and PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19 |
299. | 02/08/2018 | First Waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations |
300. | 02/08/2018 | First Waiting list of MA- I (J&MC) 2018-19 |
301. | 31/07/2018 | YF Category Waiting List of MA (J&MC) |
302. | 31/07/2018 | SGC CAtegory Waiting List of MA (J&MC) |
303. | 31/07/2018 | Defence Category Waiting List of MA (J&MC) |
304. | 31/07/2018 | BC Category Waiting List of MA (J&MC) |
305. | 31/07/2018 | Waiting list of MA-I (J&MC) 2018-19 |
306. | 31/07/2018 | Waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19 |
307. | 31/07/2018 | Final merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public relations 2018-19 |
308. | 31/07/2018 | Final merit list of MA-I (J&MC) 2018-19 |
309. | 25/07/2018 | Re-test for admission in PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19 |
310. | 24/07/2018 | Public Viva-Voce |
311. | 24/07/2018 | Merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19 |
312. | 21/07/2018 | Schedule of MA-I (J&MC) for Group Discussion and Personal Interview |
313. | 20/07/2018 | Dates of GD & Interview of MA-I (Journalism & Mass Communication) |
314. | 18/07/2018 | PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations Aptitude Test Result 2018-19 |
315. | 16/07/2018 | Dates of Aptitude Test & Personal Interview for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19 |
316. | 08/05/2018 | MA-I Final Attendance |
317. | 08/05/2018 | PG Diploma in Advertising & PR, April+May Attendance |
318. | 08/05/2018 | MA-I April+May Attendance |
319. | 04/05/2018 | MA-II March 2018 Att |
320. | 04/05/2018 | MA-I March 2018 Att |
321. | 24/04/2018 | PGD March 2018 attendance |
322. | 28/03/2018 | MA-II revised Attendance |
323. | 28/03/2018 | MA-I revised Attendance |
324. | 08/03/2018 | PG Dip in Advertising & PR (2nd Sem) Attendance Feb 2018 |
325. | 08/03/2018 | MA-II (J&MC) Attendance of Feb 2018 |
326. | 08/03/2018 | MA-I (J&MC) Attendance of Feb 2018 |
327. | 27/02/2018 | MA-II (4th Sem) Revised attendance |
328. | 27/02/2018 | MA-I (2nd Sem) Revised attendance |
329. | 21/02/2018 | MA - I (2nd Semester) |
330. | 20/02/2018 | PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations January attendance |
331. | 20/02/2018 | MA-II (J&MC) Attendance of January |
332. | 18/12/2017 | PG Diploma Internal Marks (1st Sem) 2017-18 |
333. | 15/12/2017 | Mentor-mentee list |
334. | 14/12/2017 | Internal Assessment of MA-I & MA-II (2017-18) |
335. | 14/11/2017 | Revised attendance of MA-I (Month of August 2017) |
336. | 13/11/2017 | MEDIA FEST SOCH 2017 |
337. | 08/11/2017 | Revised attendance of September 2017, Ms. Divya Rajani MA-I |
338. | 31/10/2017 | PG Diploma Attendance Sep 2017 |
339. | 31/10/2017 | MA-II Attendance of Sep 2017 |
340. | 31/10/2017 | MA-I Attendance of Sep 2017 |
341. | 26/09/2017 | Fellowship for Ph.D 2017 |
342. | 08/09/2017 | PGD August attendance |
343. | 08/09/2017 | MA-II August attendance |
344. | 08/09/2017 | MA-I August attendance |
345. | 07/09/2017 | Notice Regarding MPR Books author names (MA-II) |
346. | 07/09/2017 | Viva-Voce Examination-cum-Presentation of Ph.D. student, Ms. Hemdeep Kaur |
347. | 06/09/2017 | Result of Ph.D Interview held on 04.09.2017 |
348. | 31/08/2017 | Date of Interview of Ph.D. candidates |
349. | 31/08/2017 | Reminder for submission of MPR and Dissertation Topics of MA-II (J&MC) |
350. | 29/08/2017 | Admission schedule to Ph.D./ M. Phil courese for the session 2017-2018 |
351. | 29/08/2017 | 2nd waiting list of MA-I (J&MC) |
352. | 29/08/2017 | PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 3rd waiting list for admission 2017-18 |
353. | 22/08/2017 | Shortage of Attendance of PG Diploma Student |
354. | 17/08/2017 | Detail of Supervisors along with their specialization and number of vacant seats as on 01.08.2017 |
355. | 16/08/2017 | MA-II Attendance of month of July 2017 |
356. | 16/08/2017 | MA-II Attendance of month of July 2017 |
357. | 14/08/2017 | Postponed Ph.D Interview |
358. | 11/08/2017 | PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2nd waiting list for admission 2017-18 |
359. | 09/08/2017 | Department Notice |
360. | 04/08/2017 | Hostel Allocation of MA-1 (J&MC) |
361. | 04/08/2017 | Fee Submission of 2nd Waiting List PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations |
362. | 04/08/2017 | Fee Submission of 1st Waiting List of MA-1 (J&MC) and PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations |
363. | 04/08/2017 | Notice regarding Migration certifcates with original DMC's (Degree) submission of MA-I and PG Diploma in Adv and PR-1 |
364. | 01/08/2017 | Fee details of MA -1 (J&MC) and PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations |
365. | 01/08/2017 | MA- 1 SC Category waiting list |
366. | 01/08/2017 | MA- 1 YF Category waiting list |
367. | 01/08/2017 | MA- 1 Open waiting list |
368. | 01/08/2017 | MA- 1 OGC Category waiting list |
369. | 01/08/2017 | MA- 1 Merit List |
370. | 01/08/2017 | MA- 1 Defence Category waiting list |
371. | 01/08/2017 | MA- 1 BC Category waiting list |
372. | 01/08/2017 | Merit and waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations |
373. | 27/07/2017 | Important Notice regarding Admission |
374. | 24/07/2017 | Document Verification on 25.07.2017 at 11.30 am for qualify candidates in Aptitude Test of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations |
375. | 22/07/2017 | Regarding Merit List |
376. | 20/07/2017 | MA-I (J&MC) Fresh List of Reserved candidates |
377. | 17/07/2017 | Schedule for Counselling (All Categories) and Aptitude Test of Post Graduate Diploma in Advertising and Public Relation |
378. | 25/04/2017 | Meeting of the Research Degree Committee-cum-Presentation will be held on Tuesday, 02nd May, 2017 at 3.30 p.m. in the School of Communication Studies |
379. | 12/04/2017 | Attendance of MA-I and PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations March 2017 |
380. | 22/03/2017 | Viva-Voce Examination-cum-Presentation of Ph.D. student, Mr. Subhash Chand Goel |
381. | 14/03/2017 | Attendance of Feb 2017 of PG Diploma in Advertising & PR |
382. | 14/03/2017 | Attendance of Feb 2017 of MA-II |
383. | 14/03/2017 | Attendance of Feb 2017 of MA-I |
384. | 03/03/2017 | Viva-Voce Examination-cum-Presentation of Ph.D. student, Mr. Vibhor Mohan |
385. | 17/02/2017 | Documentary for PU Convocation 2017 |
386. | 10/02/2017 | 2nd Installment of Examination Fee notice |
387. | 10/02/2017 | Attendance of Jan 2017 (MA-I, MA-II and PG Diploma in Advertising & PR) |
388. | 03/02/2017 | CHASSCONG VII-2nd Mail for Colleagues |
389. | 03/02/2017 | CHASSCONG VII-First mail for colleagues |
390. | 03/02/2017 | CHASSCONG VII-Concept paper and programme 1st announcement |
391. | 03/02/2017 | CHASSCONG VII-Guidelines for Submitting Abstracts/Final Papers |
392. | 03/02/2017 | Guidelines for Sending Abstracts of CHASSCONG VII |
393. | 13/01/2017 | PRESENTATION NOTICE |
394. | 27/09/2016 | PRESENTATION NOTICE |
395. | 15/09/2016 | Tender for Computer Equipments |
396. | 19/08/2016 | Information regarding vacant seat in MA-I (1st Semester) |
397. | 04/08/2016 | Waiting List circular of MA (J&MC) |
398. | 01/08/2016 | Open Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2016-17 |
399. | 29/07/2016 | PG Diploma Notice regarding the fees and classes |
400. | 29/07/2016 | Merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2016-17 |
401. | 26/07/2016 | PG Diploma Aptitude Test Result 2016 |
402. | 26/07/2016 | MPR Deadlines |
403. | 26/07/2016 | Disertation Deadline for MA-II (J&MC) |
404. | 22/07/2016 | Notice Regarding MA-I Class |
405. | 21/07/2016 | Date of Aptitude Test and Counceling for Post Graduation Diploma in Advertising and Public Relation |
406. | 19/07/2016 | Hostel List of MA-I (J&MC) for the session 2016-17 |
407. | 19/07/2016 | Reserve category of SC waiting list |
408. | 19/07/2016 | Waiting List circular of MA (J&MC) |
409. | 16/07/2016 | Fee Notice of M.A-1 (J&MC) Selected Candidate 2016-2017 |
410. | 16/07/2016 | Provisional Waiting List MA-1 (J&MC) Session 2016-2017 |
411. | 16/07/2016 | Provisional Merit List MA-1 (J&MC) Session 2016-2017 |
412. | 13/07/2016 | Tuition Fee for MA-3rd Semester |
413. | 13/07/2016 | MA-1 Councelling of Qualified Candidates |