

School of Communication Studies

Noticeboard: General Notices / Department Circular / Notifications

Examination fee of 2nd and 4th Semester

All the students are advised to fill the examination form of 2nd and 4th semester by 22/02/2025 without fail.

Examination form and fee will be deposited online on the Panjab University website

After filling the form and depositing the examination fee, you are required to submit examination form hard copy in the department.



  Dated: 04/02/2025
1. 08/01/20253rd Prof Urmi Kessar Memorial Lecture on 10.01.2025 at Evening Studies Auditorium at 11 am
2. 31/12/2024Internal Assesssment of PGDAPR & PGDJMC 2nd Semester (2023-24)
3. 27/12/2024Internal assessment for MA-I (2nd Semester) and MA (4th Semester) 2023-24
4. 05/11/2024Walk in Interview for the post of Guest Faculty (Odd semester) 2024-25 has been postponed to 12/11/2024
5. 24/10/2024Walk in Interview for the post of Guest Faculty (Odd semester) 2024-25
6. 09/10/2024PMS Schedule for Punjab SC Students 2024-25
7. 09/09/2024Offline admiision schdule for fresh applicants in PG Diplomas for the session 2024-25
8. 02/09/20243rd waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2024-25
9. 30/08/20242nd waiting list of PG diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2024-25
10. 30/08/20242nd waiting list of PG diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2024-25
11. 28/08/20241st waiting list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2024-25
12. 28/08/20241st waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2024-25
13. 23/08/2024Merit list of PG Diploma in Radio Production 2024-25
14. 23/08/2024Merit list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2024-25
15. 23/08/2024Merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2024-25
16. 14/08/20241st waiting list of MA (J&MC) 2024-25
17. 11/08/2024Overall Merit List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2024-25
18. 07/08/2024Counseling/Verification of documents of Post Graduate Diploma in Radio Production 2024-25
19. 07/08/2024Counseling/Verification of documents of Post Graduate Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2024-25
20. 07/08/2024Counseling/Verification of documents of Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2024-25
21. 05/08/2024Link for tentative merit list of MA (J&MC) 2024-25
22. 26/07/2024Admission schedule for MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2024-25
23. 25/07/2024Admision schedule for PG Diplomas and MA (J&MC) will be uploaded shortly.
24. 04/06/2024List of selected PhD candidates May 2024
25. 03/06/2024Revised internal assessment of MA (J&MC)- 1st and 3rd Semester 2023-24
26. 25/05/2024Internal assessment of MA and PG Diplomas (1st and 3rd Semester) 2023-24
27. 30/04/2024PhD Interview on 13th May 2024
28. 02/04/2024Walk-in interview for guest faculty 2023-2024
29. 27/09/2023Fresh applications for admission in PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations and PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2023-24.
30. 30/08/2023Contact for admission
31. 30/08/2023Merit list of Offline admission in PG DIploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (2023-24)
32. 30/08/2023Merit list of Offline admission in PG DIploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2023-24)
33. 28/08/2023Regarding Hostel
34. 28/08/20234th waiting list of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24
35. 24/08/2023 offline admiision schdule for fresh applicants in PG Diplomas for the session 2023-24
36. 22/08/20233rd waiting list of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24
37. 17/08/20233rd waiting list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2023-24
38. 17/08/20234th Waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2023-24
39. 16/08/20233rd Waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2023-24)
40. 14/08/20232nd waiting list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2023-24
41. 14/08/20232nd waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2023-24
42. 14/08/20232nd Waiting list of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24
43. 11/08/20231st waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2023-24)
44. 11/08/20231st waiting list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (2023-24)
45. 11/08/20231st waiting list of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24
46. 10/08/2023Online Orientation schedule of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication)- 1st Semester and all PG Diplomas- 1st Semester
47. 08/08/2023Overall waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24
48. 08/08/2023Overall Merit List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24
49. 08/08/2023Merit and Waiting List of PG Diploma in Radio Production 2023-24
50. 08/08/2023Merit and Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2023-24
51. 08/08/2023Merit and Waiting list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication- 2023-24
52. 08/08/2023Welfare schemes
53. 25/07/2023Special GD/PI Session for all the students whose result is awaited for MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2023-24
54. 24/07/2023Aptitude Test result of PG Diploma in Radio Production (2023-24)
55. 24/07/2023Aptitude Test result of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (2023-24)
56. 24/07/2023Aptitude Test result of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2023-24)
57. 21/07/2023MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) GD & Personal Interview schedule for the session 2023-24
58. 21/07/2023Details of AptitudeTest and Personal Interview for PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2023-24
59. 21/07/2023Details of AptitudeTest and Personal Interview for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations for the session 2023-24
60. 21/07/2023Details of AptitudeTest and Personal Interview for PG Diploma in Radio Production for the session 2023-24
61. 24/05/2023Internal Assessment of MA-I (1st Semsester & 3rd Semester) December-2022
62. 11/05/2023Internal assessment of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (1st Semester)-2022-23
63. 11/05/2023Internal assessment of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (1st Semester)-2022-23
64. 25/04/2023Phd viva-voce of Ms. Esha Nayyar
65. 25/04/2023PhD viva-voce of Ms. Nisha Thapar
66. 17/04/2023Revised date for PhD Interviews
67. 17/04/2023Postponement of PhD interviews
68. 11/04/2023PHD interview on 18/04/2023
69. 22/03/2023Public Viva-Voce examination-cum-presentation of a Ph.D. student, Mr. Kiran Deep
70. 24/02/2023Extension in submission of dissertation
71. 16/02/2023PhD admission for the session 2022-23
72. 14/02/2023About filling of examination form 2nd and 4th semester (2022-23)
73. 15/12/2022Revised MA-II (4th Semester) Internal list
74. 14/12/2022MA-II (4th Sem) Internal Assesment (2021-22)
75. 14/12/2022MA-1 (2nd Sem.) Internal Assessment 21-22
76. 14/12/2022PGDJMC Semster II Internal Assesment 21-22
77. 24/11/2022Revised notige for 2nd installment fee
78. 10/11/20222nd installment of tuition fee
79. 01/11/2022Notice for postponment of walk-in-interview for guest faculty at SCS
80. 27/10/2022Notice for Prem Bhatia Memorial Scholarship 2022-23
81. 27/10/2022Walk in interview for the Guest Faculty on 04.11.2022
82. 26/10/2022Provisional merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2ns Councelling) 2022-23
83. 12/10/2022Fresh Applications for admission in PG Diploma in Advtertising and Public Relations and PG Diploma in Radio Production
84. 03/10/2022REGARDING HOSTEL SEATS 2022-23
85. 30/09/2022Regarding submission of original documents
86. 28/09/20222nd Waiting list of MA (J&MC) 2022-23
87. 24/09/20221st Waiting list of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2022-23
88. 22/09/2022MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) Waiting list 2022-23
89. 22/09/2022MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) Final merit list 2022-23
90. 21/09/2022PGD in Advertising & Public Relations internal assessment of 2nd Semester (2021-22)
91. 20/09/2022Provisional admission list of P.G. Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2022-23
92. 20/09/2022Provisional admission list of P.G. Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2022-23
93. 12/09/2022Link for Tentative merit lists for MA and PG Diploma's for the session 2022-23
94. 05/09/2022Apptitude test reult of PG Diploma in Radio Production-2022-23
95. 05/09/2022Apptitude test reult of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication-2022-23
96. 05/09/2022Apptitude test result of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations- 2022-23
97. 02/09/2022Schedule of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) for Group Discussion and Personal Interview for the session 2022-23
98. 02/09/2022List-II: Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Radio Production for the session 2022-23
99. 02/09/2022List-II: Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2022-23
100. 02/09/2022List-II: Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations for the session 2022-23
101. 01/09/2022Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2022-23
102. 01/09/2022Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Radio Production for the session 2022-23
103. 01/09/2022Dates for Apptitute Test for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations for the session 2022-23
104. 24/08/2022Regarding MA-II (3rd Semester) Tution fee receipt
105. 20/07/2022Orientation
106. 20/07/2022Enterpreneurial Journey Seminar by Jasmeet K Shaan
107. 19/07/2022ICT Communication Lab SCS (Learning Resources)
108. 19/07/2022CBCS Approval 21-22
109. 18/07/2022Minutes Elective system PGDJMC & PGDRPR
110. 18/07/2022Minutes regarding Elective system MA & PGDAPR
111. 14/07/2022CHASSCONG VII
112. 08/07/2022Workshop on Press Release writing
113. 08/07/2022Use of Smartphone for Story Telling
114. 08/07/2022Press release writing
115. 08/07/2022Alumni Feedback Forms (R)
116. 08/07/2022Teachers Feedback
117. 08/07/2022Student Feedback
118. 08/07/2022Parents Feedback
119. 08/07/2022Employer Feedback
120. 07/07/2022Revised internals of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (1st Semester) 2021-22
121. 06/07/2022Internals of PGD in Journalism of Mass Communication (1st Sem) for the session 2021-22
122. 06/07/2022Internals of MA-3rd Semester for the session 2021-22
123. 06/07/2022Program outcomes
124. 06/07/2022PGDJMC CBCS Minutes
125. 04/07/2022Choice based credit system
126. 10/06/2022Internals of MA-I 1st Semester 2021-22
127. 02/05/2022PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations Internal Assessment Nov-Dec 2022 examination
128. 04/04/2022Bids of UPS
129. 04/04/2022Bids of Video Conferencing
130. 04/04/2022Bids of Multifunction Machines
131. 04/04/2022Bids of Desktop Computer
132. 09/03/2022Regarding Examination form and fee of 2nd and 4th semester
133. 23/11/2021Regarding Tuition fee of MA-II
134. 23/11/2021Regarding Tuition fee
135. 16/11/2021Internal Assessment of PGD in Journalism & Mass Communication (2nd Semester) for the session 2020-21
136. 11/11/2021Internal Assessment of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations (2nd Semester) for the session 2020-21
137. 06/10/2021Regarding Migration and Original certificate
138. 06/10/2021Regarding submission of Examination form for 1st and 3rd semester
139. 05/10/20212nd Waiting list of MA-I (J&MC) 2021-22
140. 24/09/2021MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 1st Waiting list
141. 24/09/2021Overall merit list General Category of MA (J&MC) 2021-22
142. 20/09/2021MA(Journalism & Mass Communication) Selected candidate list
143. 20/09/2021MA (J&MC) 3rd Semester Admission form 2021-22
144. 18/09/2021Merit list of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2021-22
145. 18/09/2021Merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2021-22
146. 18/09/2021Post Matric Scholarship for belonging to Punjab state
147. 09/09/2021Aptitude Test Result of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication
148. 09/09/2021Aptitude Test Result of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations
149. 07/09/2021Aptitude Test and Personal Interview schedule for the PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (2021-22)
150. 07/09/2021Aptitude Test and Personal Interview schedule for the PG Diploma in Radio Production (2021-22)
151. 04/09/2021Aptitude Test and Personal Interview schedule for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2021-22)
152. 27/08/2021Regarding 1st installment of tution fee of MA-3rd semester
153. 20/07/2021Revised Internal Assessment of MA-I
154. 14/07/2021Internal Assessment of MA-I & MA-II 1st & 3rd Semester
155. 07/07/2021Apllication for PhD program
156. 06/05/2021Viva-voce notice
157. 26/04/2021Regarding filling of Examination form
158. 19/04/2021Internal Assessment of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (1st Semester)
159. 19/04/2021Internal Assessment of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (1st Semester)
160. 15/03/2021Free Education For Meritorious Scheduled
161. 19/01/2021Annual Global Alumni Meet SCS, PU
162. 07/01/2021Date extended of Financial Assistance to SC/ST (2020-2021)
163. 07/01/2021Application invited for PhD admission - 2021
164. 22/12/2020Defaulter list of MA - II (3rd Semester)
165. 22/12/2020Post Matric Scholarship Form for SC students (Renewal) of Punjab State 2020-21
166. 22/12/2020Post Matric Scholarship Form for SC students (Fresh) of Punjab State 2020-21
167. 22/12/2020Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) guidelines for SC students 2020-21 (Punjab & other states)
168. 11/12/20202nd instalment fee of MA-I (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2020-21
169. 10/12/2020Mentor-Mentee List for the session 2020-21
170. 08/12/2020Notice regarding Examination form MA & PG Diploma students 2020-21
171. 08/12/2020MA-II 2nd installment Tuition fee 2020-21
172. 01/12/2020Notice regarding Admission in PG Diplomas
173. 01/12/2020Circular for Financial Assistance to SC/ST students for the year (2020-2021)
174. 25/11/2020Notice regarding Admission in PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations
175. 25/11/2020Seventh Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations
177. 24/11/2020Sixth Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 24.11.2020
178. 23/11/2020Notice regarding Admission in PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication
179. 23/11/2020Fifth Waiting List of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 23.11.2020
180. 23/11/2020Fifth Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 23.11.2020
181. 23/11/2020Fifth Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 23.11.2020
182. 20/11/2020Fourth Waiting List of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 20.11.2020
183. 20/11/2020Fourth Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 20.11.2020
184. 20/11/2020Fourth Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 20.11.2020
185. 18/11/2020Third Waiting List of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 18.11.2020
186. 18/11/2020Third Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 18.11.2020
187. 18/11/2020Third Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 18.11.2020
188. 16/11/2020Second Waiting List of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 16.11.2020
189. 16/11/2020Second Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 16.11.2020
190. 16/11/2020Second Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 16.11.2020
191. 16/11/2020Second Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 16.11.2020
192. 13/11/2020First Waiting List of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 13.11.2020
193. 13/11/2020First Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) 13.11.2020
194. 13/11/2020First Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 13.11.2020
195. 11/11/2020Defence Category Waiting List of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication)
203. 24/07/2020Online PhD viva-voce of Ms. Aarti Anand on 28.07.2020 at 12:00 noon
204. 17/03/2020Advertisement for Five Junior Research Fellows for Research Project
205. 14/02/2020Public Viva-Voce of Ms. Sumedha Singh on 24.02.2020
206. 12/02/20202nd Installment of Examination Fee notice for MA & PG Diploma for the session 2019-20
207. 11/02/2020Public Viva-Voce of Mr. Mukesh Kumar on 18.02.2020
208. 04/02/2020Internal Assessment of MA-I (1st Semester) & MA-II (3rd Semester)
209. 16/01/2020Schedule of Entrance Test 2020
210. 16/01/2020Time Table for MA & PG Diploma's 2nd & 4th Semester
211. 14/01/2020Public Viva-Voce of Ms. Divya Jyoti Randev on 23.01.2020
212. 14/01/2020Public Viva-Voce of Ms. Neha Saroj on 28.01.2020
213. 14/01/2020Public Viva-Voce of Ms Neha on 17.01.2020
214. 11/12/2019Attendance of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication
215. 09/12/2019Meeting of Academic & Administrative Committees on 10/12/2019 at 11:00 am
216. 09/12/2019Urgent: Condonation of Lecture of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations
217. 19/11/2019Earn While You Learn scheme
218. 15/11/2019Radio Production Workshop on Radio Jyotirgamaya 91.2 MHz at SCS
219. 15/11/2019Releasing audio book in SCS
220. 15/11/2019Students interaction with Mr. Kanwar Sandhu
221. 15/11/2019Deadline of Major Project Report for MA-II
222. 13/11/2019Workshops at SCS
223. 20/09/2019Examination Fee 1st Installment notice for all classes 2019-20
224. 19/09/2019Regarding submission of original migration cert. & original DMC's of new admitted outside PU students
225. 13/09/2019Updated mentor-mentee list of all classes
226. 31/08/2019Time Table for PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication
227. 30/08/2019Notice for PG Diploma in Journalism Mass Communication 2019-20
228. 30/08/2019MA-I (J&MC) First Ten Days Attendance
229. 29/08/2019Fresh Merit List of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations
230. 29/08/2019Fresh Merit List of PGD in Journalism & Mass Communication
231. 28/08/2019Regarding original Migration & DMC's Degree's of MA-I
232. 22/08/2019Postponement of Aptitude Test & Interview of PGD Advertising & Public Relations and PGD Journalism & Mass Communication
233. 21/08/2019Fresh Applications are invited for the course of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations for the session 2019-20
234. 19/08/2019MA-2 (3rd Semester) 1 installment of tuition Fee for the session 2019-20
235. 16/08/2019Inaugural Lecture on 19.08.2019 (Monday)
236. 13/08/2019Fresh Applications are invited for the course of PGD in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2019-20
237. 13/08/2019mentor-mentee programme List 2019-20
238. 09/08/2019Fresh list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2019-20
239. 08/08/2019Time Table for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2019-20
240. 08/08/2019Regular classes for the PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations
241. 07/08/2019Time Table for MA-2 Semester - 1 (J&MC)2019-20
242. 07/08/2019Time Table for MA-1 Semester 1(J&MC)2019-20
243. 05/08/2019Fresh Fee Notice for PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2019-20
244. 05/08/2019Updated List of Selected candidate of MA - 1 (J&MC) 2019-20
245. 05/08/2019Commencement of MA-I (Journalism & Mass Communication) class
246. 05/08/2019Orientation sheet of MA-2 (Semester 3) 2019-20
247. 05/08/2019Orientation sheet of MA-1 (Semester 1& 2) (Journalism & Mass Communication) 2019-20
248. 02/08/2019Updated List of PGD in Advertising & PR 2019-20
249. 02/08/2019Hostel Allocation List of Boys
250. 02/08/2019Hostel Allocation List of Girls
251. 02/08/2019Selected list of PGD in Journalism & Mass Communication
252. 01/08/2019MA Waiting List for the session 2019-20
253. 31/07/2019List of waiting candidates of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations
254. 31/07/2019List of Selected candidates of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations
255. 30/07/2019Fresh Applications for admission in PG Diploma in Radio Production
257. 29/07/2019MA-I (J&MC) 2019-20 OGC category waiting list
258. 29/07/2019MA-I (J&MC) 2019-20 Defence category waiting list
259. 29/07/2019MA-I (J&MC) 2019-20 BC category waiting list
260. 29/07/2019MA-I (J&MC) waiting list General Category
261. 29/07/2019MA-I (J&MC) 2019-20 Selected Category list
262. 20/07/2019Aptitude test result of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication 2019
263. 20/07/2019Aptitude test result of PG Diploma in Radio Production 2019
264. 18/07/2019Result of PGD in Advertising & Public Relations Aptitude Test 2019-20
265. 18/07/2019Important information: Result of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication & Radio Production Aptitude Test 2019-20
266. 15/07/2019Admission Schedule of MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) for the session 2019-20
267. 12/07/2019Admission Schedule of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations for the session 2019-20
268. 12/07/2019Admission Schedule of PG Diploma in Radio Production for the session 2019-20
269. 12/07/2019Admission Schedule of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication for the session 2019-20
270. 15/05/2019MA-I Internal Assessment
271. 15/05/2019PG Diploma Internal Assessment
272. 15/05/2019MA-II Internal Assessment 2018-19
273. 10/05/2019PG Diploma in Advertising & Public relations (2nd Semester) Final Attendance
274. 10/05/2019MA-II (4th Semester) Final Attendance
275. 10/05/2019MA-I (2nd Semester) Final Attendance
276. 08/04/2019Attendance of MA-I, MA-II & PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (2nd & 4th Semester)
277. 13/03/2019An interactive session with students of MA (J&MC) by Mr. Nitin Sharma
278. 07/03/2019Invitation Card for Two Day National Seminar
279. 07/03/2019Result of PhD admissions
280. 26/02/2019Two day National Seminar CRISES IN MEDIA: AN EXISTENTIAL CONUNDRUM
281. 22/02/2019Counseling/Interview for admissions to PhD Programme
282. 22/02/2019Ms. Aarti Kapur Public Viva Voce
285. 31/01/2019Notice for Examination Fee 2nd installment MA & PG Diploma
286. 29/01/2019Pending Fee notice for MA & PG Diploma
287. 05/12/2018Final Internal assessment of MA-I (1st Semester) & MA-II (3rd Semester)
288. 15/11/20182nd installment of tuition fee
289. 28/09/2018Migration Cert. & Org. DMC's submission
290. 28/09/2018MPR Schedule for MA-II
291. 18/09/2018PG Dip in Advertising & PR Attendance
292. 18/09/2018MA-I & MA-II Attendance of July & August 2018
293. 30/08/2018Notice for MA-I waiting List for the session 2018-19
294. 30/08/2018Interactive session with students by Mr. Pawan Kumar Bansal,
295. 20/08/2018For submitting original migration certificate & Dmc's PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19
296. 20/08/2018For submitting original migration certificate & Dmc's MA-I 2018-19
297. 13/08/2018Hostel Allocation List 2018-19
298. 07/08/2018Notice for MA-I and PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19
299. 02/08/2018First Waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations
300. 02/08/2018First Waiting list of MA- I (J&MC) 2018-19
301. 31/07/2018YF Category Waiting List of MA (J&MC)
302. 31/07/2018SGC CAtegory Waiting List of MA (J&MC)
303. 31/07/2018Defence Category Waiting List of MA (J&MC)
304. 31/07/2018BC Category Waiting List of MA (J&MC)
305. 31/07/2018Waiting list of MA-I (J&MC) 2018-19
306. 31/07/2018Waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19
307. 31/07/2018Final merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public relations 2018-19
308. 31/07/2018Final merit list of MA-I (J&MC) 2018-19
309. 25/07/2018Re-test for admission in PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19
310. 24/07/2018Public Viva-Voce
311. 24/07/2018Merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19
312. 21/07/2018Schedule of MA-I (J&MC) for Group Discussion and Personal Interview
313. 20/07/2018Dates of GD & Interview of MA-I (Journalism & Mass Communication)
314. 18/07/2018PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations Aptitude Test Result 2018-19
315. 16/07/2018Dates of Aptitude Test & Personal Interview for PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2018-19
316. 08/05/2018MA-I Final Attendance
317. 08/05/2018PG Diploma in Advertising & PR, April+May Attendance
318. 08/05/2018MA-I April+May Attendance
319. 04/05/2018MA-II March 2018 Att
320. 04/05/2018MA-I March 2018 Att
321. 24/04/2018PGD March 2018 attendance
322. 28/03/2018MA-II revised Attendance
323. 28/03/2018MA-I revised Attendance
324. 08/03/2018PG Dip in Advertising & PR (2nd Sem) Attendance Feb 2018
325. 08/03/2018MA-II (J&MC) Attendance of Feb 2018
326. 08/03/2018MA-I (J&MC) Attendance of Feb 2018
327. 27/02/2018MA-II (4th Sem) Revised attendance
328. 27/02/2018MA-I (2nd Sem) Revised attendance
329. 21/02/2018MA - I (2nd Semester)
330. 20/02/2018PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations January attendance
331. 20/02/2018MA-II (J&MC) Attendance of January
332. 18/12/2017PG Diploma Internal Marks (1st Sem) 2017-18
333. 15/12/2017Mentor-mentee list
334. 14/12/2017Internal Assessment of MA-I & MA-II (2017-18)
335. 14/11/2017Revised attendance of MA-I (Month of August 2017)
336. 13/11/2017MEDIA FEST SOCH 2017
337. 08/11/2017Revised attendance of September 2017, Ms. Divya Rajani MA-I
338. 31/10/2017PG Diploma Attendance Sep 2017
339. 31/10/2017MA-II Attendance of Sep 2017
340. 31/10/2017MA-I Attendance of Sep 2017
341. 26/09/2017Fellowship for Ph.D 2017
342. 08/09/2017PGD August attendance
343. 08/09/2017MA-II August attendance
344. 08/09/2017MA-I August attendance
345. 07/09/2017Notice Regarding MPR Books author names (MA-II)
346. 07/09/2017Viva-Voce Examination-cum-Presentation of Ph.D. student, Ms. Hemdeep Kaur
347. 06/09/2017Result of Ph.D Interview held on 04.09.2017
348. 31/08/2017Date of Interview of Ph.D. candidates
349. 31/08/2017Reminder for submission of MPR and Dissertation Topics of MA-II (J&MC)
350. 29/08/2017Admission schedule to Ph.D./ M. Phil courese for the session 2017-2018
351. 29/08/20172nd waiting list of MA-I (J&MC)
352. 29/08/2017PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 3rd waiting list for admission 2017-18
353. 22/08/2017Shortage of Attendance of PG Diploma Student
354. 17/08/2017Detail of Supervisors along with their specialization and number of vacant seats as on 01.08.2017
355. 16/08/2017MA-II Attendance of month of July 2017
356. 16/08/2017MA-II Attendance of month of July 2017
357. 14/08/2017Postponed Ph.D Interview
358. 11/08/2017PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2nd waiting list for admission 2017-18
359. 09/08/2017Department Notice
360. 04/08/2017Hostel Allocation of MA-1 (J&MC)
361. 04/08/2017Fee Submission of 2nd Waiting List PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations
362. 04/08/2017Fee Submission of 1st Waiting List of MA-1 (J&MC) and PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations
363. 04/08/2017Notice regarding Migration certifcates with original DMC's (Degree) submission of MA-I and PG Diploma in Adv and PR-1
364. 01/08/2017Fee details of MA -1 (J&MC) and PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations
365. 01/08/2017MA- 1 SC Category waiting list
366. 01/08/2017MA- 1 YF Category waiting list
367. 01/08/2017MA- 1 Open waiting list
368. 01/08/2017MA- 1 OGC Category waiting list
369. 01/08/2017MA- 1 Merit List
370. 01/08/2017MA- 1 Defence Category waiting list
371. 01/08/2017MA- 1 BC Category waiting list
372. 01/08/2017Merit and waiting list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations
373. 27/07/2017Important Notice regarding Admission
374. 24/07/2017Document Verification on 25.07.2017 at 11.30 am for qualify candidates in Aptitude Test of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations
375. 22/07/2017Regarding Merit List
376. 20/07/2017MA-I (J&MC) Fresh List of Reserved candidates
377. 17/07/2017Schedule for Counselling (All Categories) and Aptitude Test of Post Graduate Diploma in Advertising and Public Relation
378. 25/04/2017Meeting of the Research Degree Committee-cum-Presentation will be held on Tuesday, 02nd May, 2017 at 3.30 p.m. in the School of Communication Studies
379. 12/04/2017Attendance of MA-I and PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations March 2017
380. 22/03/2017Viva-Voce Examination-cum-Presentation of Ph.D. student, Mr. Subhash Chand Goel
381. 14/03/2017Attendance of Feb 2017 of PG Diploma in Advertising & PR
382. 14/03/2017Attendance of Feb 2017 of MA-II
383. 14/03/2017Attendance of Feb 2017 of MA-I
384. 03/03/2017Viva-Voce Examination-cum-Presentation of Ph.D. student, Mr. Vibhor Mohan
385. 17/02/2017Documentary for PU Convocation 2017
386. 10/02/20172nd Installment of Examination Fee notice
387. 10/02/2017Attendance of Jan 2017 (MA-I, MA-II and PG Diploma in Advertising & PR)
388. 03/02/2017CHASSCONG VII-2nd Mail for Colleagues
389. 03/02/2017CHASSCONG VII-First mail for colleagues
390. 03/02/2017CHASSCONG VII-Concept paper and programme 1st announcement
391. 03/02/2017CHASSCONG VII-Guidelines for Submitting Abstracts/Final Papers
392. 03/02/2017Guidelines for Sending Abstracts of CHASSCONG VII
395. 15/09/2016Tender for Computer Equipments
396. 19/08/2016Information regarding vacant seat in MA-I (1st Semester)
397. 04/08/2016Waiting List circular of MA (J&MC)
398. 01/08/2016Open Waiting List of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2016-17
399. 29/07/2016PG Diploma Notice regarding the fees and classes
400. 29/07/2016Merit list of PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations 2016-17
401. 26/07/2016PG Diploma Aptitude Test Result 2016
402. 26/07/2016MPR Deadlines
403. 26/07/2016Disertation Deadline for MA-II (J&MC)
404. 22/07/2016Notice Regarding MA-I Class
405. 21/07/2016Date of Aptitude Test and Counceling for Post Graduation Diploma in Advertising and Public Relation
406. 19/07/2016Hostel List of MA-I (J&MC) for the session 2016-17
407. 19/07/2016Reserve category of SC waiting list
408. 19/07/2016Waiting List circular of MA (J&MC)
409. 16/07/2016Fee Notice of M.A-1 (J&MC) Selected Candidate 2016-2017
410. 16/07/2016Provisional Waiting List MA-1 (J&MC) Session 2016-2017
411. 16/07/2016Provisional Merit List MA-1 (J&MC) Session 2016-2017
412. 13/07/2016Tuition Fee for MA-3rd Semester
413. 13/07/2016MA-1 Councelling of Qualified Candidates

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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