

School of Communication Studies

Outstanding achievements of the School

  1. One consistent achievement of the School lies in the fact that it counts a large number of top Media Professionals among its alumni.
  2. The School of Communication Studies has been awarded the prestigious Chanakya award for Achievers, as the "Business Communication School of the Year (National) 2011-2012", by the Global Conclave of Public Relations Council of India. The above award is in recognition of outstanding services and key contributions made to the profession, industry and the society at large. The School has also been honoured by the Indys award for Excellence in Mass Communication education in the year 2013 by the Stars of the Industry Awards.
  3. 91.2 MHz, Jyotirgamaya, the CRS (Community Radio Station) of the Panjab University is being run by the School of Communication Studies for more than 6 year now. It was inaugurated on 13th February, 2011 and is acting as a unifying agent amongst the university faculty, students and also the community.
  4. The School has been preparing audio books for visually challenged students. So far, 7 books have been recorded comprising of more than 500 hours of recording volunteered by students, teachers and staff members of PU.
  5. The Station runs DST Sponsored, Radio Programme on Women Health & Nutrition under project assigned to Prof. Archana R Singh as Co-PI and Dr. K.S. Bath of Punjab State Council of Science & Technology as PI.
  6. The Radio station has, through Community Radio Association of India collaborated with BBC Media Action group and UNICEF for a program, "Full On Nikki", related to Adolescent health.
  7. The station regularly runs skill development program on radio programming and production under the Employment through Skill training & Placement components of National Livelihood Mission for EWS. This is in collaboration with Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh.

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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